Canary Islands

Welcome to charters and cruises in the Canary Islands.

Our base is in sunny San Miguel located in the south of the island, just minutes from Tenerife Sur Airport. The port’s location in the south of the island makes it easy for us to take a course towards Gomera, La Palma or El Hierro. The proximity of these very interesting islands allows for comfortable tourist sailing even for amateurs of short daytime distances.

For more seasoned sailors, we recommend the route to Gran Canaria , it’s about 50nm without tacking back and forth.

Sailing in the Canary Islands is a thrilling, thrilling, sailing experience. That’s what sailing in this body of water is called. Until recently, not very accessible waters in terms of yacht charters, today they are open to sailors allowing you to balance the need to recharge your batteries with the sun and a dose of good sailing in winter.

Available to charterers are the islands of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma.

Depending on the level of difficulty, when setting sail from Tenerife, we can take a shorter route to Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma or a longer one to Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Virtually every island has between one and five marinas. Most harbors provide very good protection from strong winds and swells. 


East route suggestions (distance 270 nm):

San Miguel – Puerto de Mochan – Moro Jable – Las Palmas – Santa Cruz – San Miguel.

West route proposals (distance 200nm):

San Miguel – San Sebastian – El Hierro – La Palma – Los Gigantos – San Miguel.

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